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Table of Contents
February 1998 Issue #25
- The Front Page
- The MailBag
- More 2 Cent Tips
- News Bytes
- The Answer Guy, by James T. Dennis
- Book Review: A Practical Guide to Linux, by
Bernard Doyle
- Bourne/Bash: Shell Programming
Introduction, by Rick Dearman
- Clueless at the Prompt, by Mike List
- Confessions of a Former VMS Junkie, by
Russell C. Pavlicek
- EMACSulation, by Eric Marsden
- Gathering Usage Stats, by Randy Appleton
- The Graphics Muse, by Michael J. Hammel
- Hylafax, by Dani Pardo
- Linux Compared to Other Operating
Systems, by Elof Soerensen
- Linux Ports, by Ross Linder
- Linux and Windows95, by Leonardo Lopes
- New Release Reviews, by Larry Ayers
- A Simple Internet Dialer for Linux, by
Martin Vermeer
- Secure Public Access Internet Workstations,
by Steven Singer
- The Software World--It's a Changin', by
Phil Hughes
- The Back Page
The Answer Guy

The Weekend Mechanic will return.
TWDT 1 (text)
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This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,