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"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"
The Back Page
About This Month's Authors
Matthias Arndt
I'm a Linux enthusiast, 20 years old and from Germany. I
will start studying computer sciences in conjuction with economics in October.
I like good old rock'n'roll and of course Linux. I love writing stories and
I have always wanted to write for a computer magazine.
Bill Bennet
Bill, the ComputerHelperGuy, lives in Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada; the
"Catfish Capitol of North America" if not the world. He is on the Internet at
www.chguy.net. He tells us "I have been a PC
user since 1983 when I got my start as a Radio Shack manager. After five years
in the trenches, I went into business for myself. Now happily divorced from
reality, I live next to my Linux box and sell and support GPL distributions of
all major Linux flavours. I was a beta tester for the PC version of Playmaker
Football and I play `pentium-required' games on the i486. I want to help Linux
become a great success in the gaming world, since that will be how Linux will
take over the desktop from DOS." It is hard to believe that his five years of
university was only good for fostering creative writing skills.
Nicolas Chauvat
Nicolas is currently working at
Logilab in Paris, France. He studied
robotics, computer science and artificial intelligence and has been
dreaming of electric sheep for some time now. He coordinates a French
translation of Linux Gazette at
Shane Collinge
Part computer programmer, part cartoonist, part Mars Bar. At night, he runs
around in a pair of colorful tights fighting criminals. During the day... well,
he just runs around. He eats when he's hungry and sleeps when he's sleepy.
Fernando Correa
Fernando is a computer analyst just about to finish his
graduation at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Now, he has built
with his staff the best
Linux portal in Brazil and have further
plans to improve services and content for their Internet users.
Chris Jones
Chris is an Australian poet and writer currently working on a
series of novels with the working title of Swindle. He switched to
Linux 14 months ago finding it the best operating system for writers he
has ever worked on. He first installed Linux on his ancient Toshiba
3400 notebook, before buying a new desktop computer piece by piece. Once
he got it assembled, he installed Linux as his only operating system.
Eric Kasten
I'm a software developer by day and an artist, web developer,
big dog, gardener and wine maker by night. This all leaves very little
time for sleep, but always enough time for a nice glass of Michigan
Pinot Gris. I have a BS double major in Computer Science and
Mathematics and an MS in Computer Science. I've been using and
modifying Linux since the 0.9x days. I can be reached via email at
kasten@sunpuppy.com or through
my website at http://www.sunpuppy.com.
Patrick Lambert
I am a freelance writer and an IT professional. I have worked with
Linux companies for 7 years, supporting users and doing coding.
I have been writting articles for 2 years.
Jose Nazario
José is a Ph.D. student in the department of biochemistry at Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. He has been using UNIX for
nearly ten years, and Linux since kernels 1.2.
Natarajan Krishnaswami
Natarajan, a graduate of Case Western Reserve University, is
a software engineer in IBM S/390 who works on porting applications to
OS/390 and Linux/390.
Mark Nielsen
Mark works at ZING
(www.genericbooks.com) and
GNUJobs.com. Previously,
Mark founded The Computer Underground.
Mark works on non-profit and volunteer projects which promote free literature
and software. To make a living, he recruits people for GNU related jobs and
also provides solutions for web/database problems using Linux, FreeBSD, Apache,
Zope, Perl, Python, and PostgreSQL.
Jason Steffler
Jason is a Software Architect for
McHugh Software International.
His computer related interests include: OO programming &
design, Smalltalking, the peopleware aspects of software, and noodl'n around
with Linux.
Not Linux
The funniest-message-to-cross-my-mailbox-this-month award goes to:
By opening this mail you have fallen victim to the Amish Virus.
Because we don't have any computers or programming experience, this virus
works via community spirit and the honour system.
Please delete all the files from your hard drive and manually forward this
virus to everyone on your mailing list.
Thank you for your co-operation.
The Amish Computer Programming Department
Happy Halloween, Thoughtful Veterans' Day, Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy
Michael Orr
Editor, Linux Gazette, gazette@ssc.com
Copyright © 2000, the Editors of Linux Gazette.
Copying license http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html
Published in Issue 59 of Linux Gazette, November 2000

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