5.17. Installing Coreutils-5.0

Estimated build time:           0.9 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  69 MB

5.17.1. Contents of Coreutils

The Coreutils package contains a whole series of basic shell utilities.

Installed programs: basename, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cksum, comm, cp, csplit, cut, date, dd, df, dir, dircolors, dirname, du, echo, env, expand, expr, factor, false, fmt, fold, groups, head, hostid, hostname, id, install, join, kill, link, ln, logname, ls, md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mv, nice, nl, nohup, od, paste, pathchk, pinky, pr, printenv, printf, ptx, pwd, readlink, rm, rmdir, seq, sha1sum, shred, sleep, sort, split, stat, stty, su, sum, sync, tac, tail, tee, test, touch, tr, true, tsort, tty, uname, unexpand, uniq, unlink, uptime, users, vdir, wc, who, whoami and yes


5.17.3. Coreutils Installation Dependencies

Coreutils depends on: Bash, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, GCC, Gettext, Glibc, Grep, Make, Perl, Sed.


5.17.5. Installation of Coreutils

Prepare Coreutils for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools

Compile the package:


This package has a test suite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. Should you choose to run it, the following command will do so:

make RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes check

The meaning of the make parameter:

And install the package:

make install