Rod Smith's homepage contains a wealth of information about using fonts and printers with Applixware and Word Perfect.
John McLaughlin's page discusses setting up fonts with Star Office
Jim Land's homepage contains a lot of links to sites on PostScript and fonts.
The comp.fonts FAQ is the definitive font FAQ.
Luc Devroye's homepage Contains enough information about fonts and other things to sink a ship. This guy designed a bunch of free fonts, and his homepage has a lot of interesting links, information and commentary.
The Font Deuglification HOWTO discusses TrueType fonts under Linux. This is the clear winner of the ``TrueType'' HOWTOs. An excellent source of information.
TrueType Fonts in Debian mini-HOWTO discusses installing TrueType in Debian. A must-read for Debian users. Also worth reading if you have any distribution that doesn't have the version of xfs with TrueType support.
The (preliminary) True Type HOWTO -- an incomplete HOWTO dated June 1998. Included in this list for completeness.
TrueType for XFree86 Mini-HOWTO -- a slightly dated HOWTO. Only applicable to Redhat 5.x
Adobe's Postscript page is the definitive site on the PostScript standard.
Ghostscript's home page has a lot of information, and all the latest printer drivers.
Jim Land's homepage contains a lot of links to sites on PostScript and fonts.