A.1. Book Templates

The following templates may be downloaded and used to create your documents. Documents that are prefixed with a t- were provided by Machtelt Garrels (also known as Tille, which is pronounced Tilly by the anglophiles). Thanks Tille!

  1. Article http://tldp.org/authors/template/Sample-HOWTO.xml. Most HOWTO documents will use this template.

  2. Book t-book.xml. Use this template to create a full book (like this Author Guide, for instance).

  3. Appendix t-appendix.xml. Use this template to create an appendix. This list of templates is an example of an appendix. Note the letters instead of the numbers which are used to distinguish sections.

  4. Chapters t-chap1.xml and t-chap2.xml. Two sample chapters for "book" documents. This template is not required if you are using the "article" template.

  5. Glossary t-glossary.xml. For making glossaries.

  6. FAQ t-faq.xml. A standard article for writing a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list.

  7. Disclaimer disclaimer.xml. A standard disclaimer which warns readers that (1) your document may not be perfect and (2) you are not responsible if things end up broken because of it.