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About This Month's Authors
Larry Ayers
Larry Ayers lives on a small farm
in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a
timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill,
does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare
prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also
struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
Jim Dennis
Jim Dennis
is the proprietor of
Starshine Technical Services.
His professional experience includes work in the technical
support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS)
departments of software companies like
Peter Norton Group, and
McAfee Associates -- as well as
positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's.
He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active
participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and
newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition
for a book on Unix systems administration.
Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was
married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
John Eikenberry
John currently lives in Athens, GA where he is both a student and an
employee of the University of Georgia. He is working on his masters thesis
in artificial intelligence while working full time as a system administration
and programmer for the College of Education. Prior to his coming to Athens,
John studied psychology and philosophy ending with a Masters of Philosophy
from the University of Toledo. He has been using Linux since 1994 and
maintains the Linux Ai/Alife
John Gatewood Ham
John Ham was born June 10, 1964, in Florence, Alabama.
He has a
B.S., Mathematics, from The University of the South, Sewanee, TN and an
M.S., Computer Science, from The University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO.
He is currently working as an Instructor in the Computer Science Department
at Burapha University, Bang Saen, Cholburi, Thailand.
He teachs in English -- he does not speak Thai. He lives in Thailand, because his
wife is Thai and did not wish to live in the United States.
His Home Page
Michael J. Hammel
Michael J. Hammel,
is a transient software engineer with a background in
everything from data communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable
systems--all based in Unix. His interests outside of computers
include 5K/10K races, skiing, Thai food and gardening. He suggests if you
have any serious interest in finding out more about him, you visit his home
pages at http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel. You'll find out more
there than you really wanted to know.
Evan Leibovitch
Evan is a Senior Analyst for Sound Software of Brampton, Ontario, Canada.
He's installed almost every kind of Unix available for Intel systems over
the past dozen years, and this year his company became Canada's first
Caldera Channel Partner.
Mike List
Mike List is a father of four teenagers, musician, printer (not
laserjet), and recently reformed technophobe, who has been into computers
since April,1996, and Linux since July.
Andy Newton
Andy Newton is a Java programmer for Automated Logic Corporation and has
been an active member of the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts for two years.
When not playing with computers, he enjoys running, backpacking, political
banter and spending time with his fiancee, Karen.
His Home Page
Justin Seiferth
When Justin's
not busy improving our nation's information boreen, he's at home hacking
various projects.
If you are cut off by a silver coupe
with New Mexico plates on the roads around our nation's capital, feel free
to wave hello! Justin and his family will be making their annual
sojourn to relatives in Ireland
during July- he'd like to hear from fellow Linux users over there.
Cliff Serutine
Cliff Seruntine is a writer and an electronics and computer technician,
web designer and all around hacker. He lives in Alaska with his family
of four where they fight a never-ending battle against the evil computer
assimilators and spend their weekends salmon fishing. He'd love to have
you over to visit. Meet him at http://www.micronet.net
Not Linux
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
My assistant, Amy Kukuk, did all the work again this month.
She's so good to me. Thank you, Amy.
I'm going on vacation from July 3 to July 13, and I am truly looking
forward to it. I've been working much too hard since taking over as Editor
of Linux Journal, and a week or so with no work in my thoughts is
going to be a much needed break. Riley and I are flying to Southern
California to visit his dad--the esteemed UCLA Professor Emeritus, Dr.
Ralph Richardson. We also will be visiting my daughter Lara and her
children. Pictures of all my grandchildren are on my home page--they are, of
course, the most beautiful and most intelligent grandkids in the world. I
am very proud of them, as you can see.
Have fun!
Marjorie L. Richardson
Editor, Linux Gazette gazette@ssc.com
Linux Gazette Issue 19, July 1997, http://www.ssc.com/lg/
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,